When I grow up, I want to be Joanna Gaines.


Two years ago I was helping my mom recuperate from hip replacement surgery.  She turned on HGTV and we began watching their variety of shows.  Then a show came on that I literally could not stop watching.  The husband was hysterical and the wife was talented and steady.  I continued watching their multiple episodes with my mom.

When I returned home, the news of the day was this couple was getting divorced.  I was beside myself.  I called my mom in anguish.  “Oh, no,” she said,  “that ‘s the “Flip or Flop” people.  You’re talking about Joanna and Chip Gaines from Fixer Upper.  They’re fine.”

“Thank God,” I gasped.  I’d had a  moment of sheer terror.  I also had no idea the names of these people or their show.  But now I did.  And I scoured my local listings.

Every Tuesday there would be a marathon of “Fixer Upper” episodes.  A few months later there were advertisements of a new season.  A new season?  You mean what I was watching wasn’t new?  Whatever!  It was new to me.  You may be wondering why I enjoy their show so much.  Let me enumerate.

First, I like how Chip and Joanna show a couple a few houses and give them ideas on how they would flip the home.  Then the couple makes their decision.  Here we proceed to Chip’s favorite day.  He calls it “Demo day”.  Along with a group of gentlemen, the house flip has begun as they demolish the home and begin to rebuild it.

Meanwhile, Joanna meets with the couple and further explains her ideas for the flip and gets their input.  She’s done it all.  From starter homes to restaurants to simple updates, she designs the dream.  I find it incredibly interesting to watch her work. And I realize I owe her.

A couple of months ago a friend asked me to do centerpieces for our friends’ goodbye party.  “Like flowers?  ‘Cause, I can’t do flowers.”  Then as we talked, I looked around my home.  I had decorative stuff.  I actually might be able to do this.  I started channeling my inner Joanna Gaines.  And felt God’s leading.

I made a list in my head and with each item, I became much calmer.  I felt somewhat confident.  I told my friend, “I think I can do this.”  At the party people commented on the decor.  I have to say I was pretty proud of myself.  I never thought I decorated that well.  I like something, I budget, it goes on sale, I buy it, I put it in my house.

Boom baby!

Joanna has  taught me to pay better attention to what works where.  She’s very spatial.  She works well with colors and the play of light.  She is confident.  Does she at time seem concerned about a project?  Of course.  But she handles pressure well. Her voice is even calming, for crying out loud!

I also enjoy Chip.  Yes, he’s a riot, but he brings the man gene to the show.  My husband will actually sit down and watch “Fixer Upper” with me.  He’s learned a lot about demo and rebuilding.  My kids even wander into the room and will sit and watch with us.  Which leads me to another reason why I enjoy this family.

Chip and Joanna include their  kids on the show.  They are younger than our kids, cute, and funny.  Viewers are included in the Gaines’ home life every week.  Whether they’re buying a new calf (or two or three because Chip cannot stop at one animal) or attending a baseball game, we get a peek into their personal lives.  It’s special and homey.

While reading their book, “A Magnolia Story” their strong Christian beliefs come into view.  They listen to God’s plan for their life even when they hate to let something go.  Their trust and faith in God’s guidance is truly inspirational to me.  As is their feelings to do what not only makes you happy, but to richly use the gifts God’s given you.

Hmmm…there’s something to chew on…

I could go on and on.  But for now all I have left to say is this.  It is Tuesday.  The marathon begins in five and the ship lap is calling!


Because I’m a Christian mom, that’s why…

I was pulling into a parking space in our new boat, I mean car, several years ago.  I was really having to put my back into it.  I came sort of close to plowing into the car next to me or so thought the passenger who looked at me with sheer terror.  However, I had judged the distance well and any crisis had been averted.


As I entered the store, the terrorized passenger and her driver  exited the building.  I saw the passenger look at me again and whisper to the driver, “There she is.”


Wow!  Really?  I  wanted to turn around and yell, “Hey!  You try parking a new boat in a parking lot!  Who are you to judge me, Miss Patty the Perfect Passenger? And Yo Ho Ho to you, matey!!!”

I didn’t of course, because I’m a Christian mom.

Now, I realize this is a hard mantel to carry.  Representing that calm, patient, loving Christian mom persona.  We see so many other moms who make it look so easy, right?  And I wonder why I can’t be kind like that?  Why am I so judgmental?  Why am I always in a hurry?  Do I need to huff out loud?  That eye roll I so perfected in middle school, the one that got me into so much trouble with my parents, do I really need to soldier on with that? In the immortal words of Elsa, can I just not let it go?

I do try really hard.  I do!  I pray for the lady with the cranky toddler in the grocery line.  I make silly faces at children sitting in baskets who have had enough of shopping time with mom.  Usually I’m rewarded with at least a shy smile. Sometimes they really start screaming.  That’s when  I become increasing interested in the lima beans shelf.

I have stopped yelling at my kids and try to talk calmly with them.  Before they slip into that vegetative state we all know and love.  I read my devotions and bible every night.  I check in with God several times a day.  I attend a bible study when I can and have even led  a few.  In the immortal words of Eddie Haskle, “What gives?”

I have come to the conclusion that I am as human as the next mom.  We are all trying so hard.  And sometimes, it just isn’t happening.  But if we are aware of it, it can happen more often.  Especially with a little help from Our Very Best Friend in the World.  No, I’m not talking about our sister friend from birth.  I’m talking about our sweet savior.

No one knows us better.  No one loves us more.  Do you hear his voice leading you?  Listen closer.  It’s there.  He knows the path he has chosen for us.  It is unique for every one of his children. And it is exciting and beautiful and fulfilling.

And it is the path of a Christian mom.
